The Flip and Twist Story

The Flip and Twist was invented by my father, an avid flyer and a natural tinkerer. When he started working on his Instrument Rating (and learning about holding patterns) he decided to make his own holding pattern computer instead of buying one from a store. True to his nature, he didn't just copy those that were on the market though, he improved upon them. Working out of his garage, my father pieced together the first functioning prototype of the Flip and Twist from scrap metal, coat hangers, and super glue.

My father used his prototype while training for, and during, his check ride. When people asked about the Flip and Twist it didn't take long for them to appreciate its ingenuity, elegance and simplicity. My father had a history of trying to get his inventions patented (brake disc cooling fins; anti-ant pet bowls; dash mounted rear-view mirrors; power assisted clutches; european-style motorcycle shifting kits) but the Flip and Twist was his first success. Soon my father was the proud owner of a provisional patent.

Before the provisional patent expired, my father passed away. In my father's memory, my mother applied for an official (non-provisional) patent. On May 13th, 2008 my father posthumously received his patent.

A year passed before I found out about the Flip and Twist from my mother. I was a recent college graduate and was interning at a small product development firm in the Silicon Valley. With my mother's permission and financial backing I got involved. This was right up my alley, and became my first big project. Reaching out to both friends and family, I assembled a small team to help with realizing the goal of commercializing the Flip and Twist. With everyone lending their expertise, it took less than six weeks to place our first manufacturing order for the Flip and Twist: the same invention my father put together in his garage all those years ago.

-Mirek Martincik, July 2009

Meet the Team

Jana Martincikova
The financial support of the project, Jana is a crucial piece to the Flip and Twist puzzle. She put in all of the legwork necessary to patent the design and has been intimately involved with the project since it's inception.

Jan Martincik
The man behind the idea, Jan is the inventor of the Flip and Twist. An avid flyer, engineer, and tinkerer, he designed the Flip and Twist to be as easy to use as possible both in the classroom and in the cockpit.

Mirek Martincik
A recent college graduate, Mirek is in charge of the digital manufacturing preparation of the Flip and Twist. His formal mechanical engineering background and enthusiasm for the Flip and Twist helped him bring the holding pattern computer from an idea to a reality.

Peter Jenson
A pilot for most of his adult life, Peter is an invaluable resource of practical flying information for the Flip and Twist team. His expertise was instrumental in making sure the project did not stall after Jan's passing.

Greg Cerny
A successful Silicon Valley entrepreneur, Greg is the manufacturing contact for the Flip and Twist team. His years of engineering and manufacturing experience have helped the Flip and Twist preserve it's original design and appeal throughout its development process.

Badreddin Edris
A Ph.D. student at Stanford University, Badreddin worked with Mirek to help create the Flip and Twist website and print design.

Copyright 2009, IET Research. All Rights Reserved.